Fresh Start

Cliché as it may be, I love the renewed energy of the the New Year. The holiday work schedule and family commitments totally wipe me out. The break is refreshing and my mind and body crave the reset. The week or so of rest allows me to come back to myself, and do all the self-care activities that I somehow lose sight of in November and December. Among these are the standard eating well and getting my body moving. They also include taking the time to reflect and redirect my thoughts to all the things I want in the coming months and year. Here's the beginning...
B E A U T Y | Eye shadow in bold, muted color blocks.
I'm trying to break out of my makeup routine, and I'm really drawn to these colors, shapes and textures. Sometimes it's nice to make changes in your life that are just fun for fun's sake.
I N S P I R E D | simple color-block artwork.
One of my resolutions is to learn the correct techniques of oil painting and devote more of my time to painting and creative expression in forms outside of jewelry.
I am constantly combing through artwork. I find that art informs my wardrobe, too. Currently, I'm dressing in beiges, pinks, terra cotta and baby blue. I love the trend of pairing muted beiges with vibrant colors.
The second image is "The Swan" by Hilma af Klint. Digging into her inspiration and her artwork is incredibly interesting. She paid the bills by painting very traditional landscapes, but her passionate, private work, kept secret until 20 years after her death per her request, consisted of over 1200 abstract works.
J E W E L R Y / E D I T | One-Of-A-Kind now on the website
I'm so excited to have all of my current one-of-a-kind pieces up on the website! Previously, the only way you could purchase one of these babies was in person at one of my events. These pieces represent shapes, stones and ideas I want to express outside of my fully formed collections.
The opal and black druzy earrings are one of my absolute favorite pairs of earrings I have ever created. They have such flash and fire, are lightweight, unusual and are sure to elevate any look.
I love creating custom pieces. If you have a design in mind, feel free to get in contact with me and I would love to bring your idea to life.
My Fresh Start Pinterest board is now live, and you can browse the inspiration here!
Let me know how you renew in the month of January in the comments below. I wish you, simply, a fresh start.